

Created at
Updated at


  • Tidy config options and CLI options
  • Style every tags generated by Markdown


  • Option for OpenGraph attributes
  • Custom fonts per language
  • User provided global CSS
  • Headings down levelling option (render # Foo as <h2>Foo</h2>)
  • 404 page


  • CLI for opinionated build
  • JSON/JSONC config for CLI
  • Usage document for CLI
  • Wikilink internal hash reference
  • Option to set base URL or path


  • Use HTML elements for JSONCanvas file/text nodes
  • Client script to retain open/close state of document tree
  • Client script to sync active table of contents entry to current scroll position
  • Client script to close site menu on navigation event
  • Client script for JSONCanvas gestures and UI


  • Using Vault as a site structure
  • Markdown Parsing
    • CommonMark
    • GitHub Flavored Markdown
      • Strikethrough
      • Task Lists
      • Footnotes
      • Autolinks
      • Tables
      • Math ... No support if MathJax can't generate MathML at build time. Using Temml instead.
    • Syntax Highlighting
    • Obsidian Extensions
      • Internal Link path resolution
        • Absolute path in vault
        • Absolute path in vault (extension-less)
        • Relative path to file
        • Relative path to file (extension-less)
        • Shortest path when possible
      • Wikilink
        • Label
        • Heading
        • Block reference
      • Defining a block
      • Image size annotation
      • Embeddings
        • Image file
        • Audio file
        • PDF file
        • Another document
      • Highlight
      • Callouts
      • Comments
      • Strip Raw HTML (only <title> is troublesome, but align behavior to Obsidian's)
        • <script>
        • <title>
        • <style>
      • Keep Raw HTML (Unified libraries tends to ignore spec by default, needs to opt-out)
        • Colored text
  • JSONCanvas
    • Node rendering
      • Basic shapes
      • Colors
      • Text node
      • Group node
      • Link node
      • File node
    • Edge rendering
      • Basic shape
      • Arrow
      • Colors
      • Label
  • Document sorting
  • Creation / Update date
  • Config for site logo
  • Tool's logo
  • Proper styling
  • Switch to drawer menu when side navigation cannot fit
  • Library usage document