

Input options


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: First positional argument
  • Required

Path to a Vault (source directory includes documents). Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.

Output options


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --out <PATH> option
  • Required

Path to the output directory. Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.


  • Type: string (URL or path)
  • CLI: --base-url <URL OR PATH> option
  • Example: "/foo/", ""

Base URL for the generated website.

Path part needs to end with trailing slash: otherwise the last segment will be omitted. For example, link for the under --base-url /bar/baz will look like /bar/Foo/.


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --user-css <PATH> option

Path to the user provided CSS file. Path needs to be relative and inside the vault, and will be resolved from the config file.

Assets referenced in the CSS file are automatically included in the final output, such as font file. Referenced assets needs to be relative and inside the vault too.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true if output.baseURL is full URL or absolute path, otherwise false

Enable generation of Not Found page.


  • Type: string (file name)
  • CLI: --not-found-filename <FILENAME> option
  • Default: 404.html

Filename of generated Not Found page.


  • Type: boolean
  • CLI: --precompress flag

Whether to compress .html, .css and .js files into .<ext>.gz, .<ext>.br and .<ext>.zst files. For example, if an output directory contains index.html, Macana also generates

  • index.html.gz (Gzip)
  • (Brotli)
  • index.html.zst (ZStandard)

inside the same directory.

Website metadata options

  • Type: string
  • CLI: --name <TEXT> option
  • Required

Website name, title. <title> and a title section in a header uses this text.


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --favicon-svg <PATH> option

Path to a SVG file to use as a favicon. Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --favicon-png <PATH> option

Path to a PNG file to use as a favicon. Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.


  • Type: string
  • CLI: --copyright <TEXT> option
  • Required

Copyright text to show in the generated website.


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --logo-image <PATH> option

Path to an image file to use as a website logo. Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.


  • Type: string (file path)
  • CLI: --og-image <PATH> option

Path to an image file to use as an Open Graph image (og:image). Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.

Macana sets Open Graph attributes only when the value of #`output.baseURL` is full URL string. Path only strings and such are not considered as Open Graph ready base URL.


  • Type: string[] (array of file path)
  • CLI: --notice <PATH> option

Path(s) to notice text to include in third-party-notices.txt. Path needs to be relative and resolved from the config file.

Use this option if you include third-party assets such as fonts and images.

Document options


  • Type: string
  • CLI: --lang <TEXT> option
  • Default: "en"

Default language for the generated website.


  • Type: { title: string; lang: string }

If a directory name matches to <directory>, the directory is treated as a language directory: the directory itself and its contents have different language than the parent one.


  • Type: boolean
  • CLI: --shortest-path-when-possible flag

Enable support for Obsidian's "Shortest path when possible" link resolution.


  • Type: boolean
  • CLI: --keep-ext flag

By default, Macana use filename without file extension part as a document title. If this option is enabled, Macana does not trim the file extension part.

Markdown options


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Enable parsing of Markdown documents. You can disable this from CLI via --disable-markdown flag.


  • Type: boolean
  • CLI: --markdown-frontmatter flag

Enable parsing of YAML frontmatter in Markdown documents.


  • Type: boolean
  • CLI: --markdown-downlevel-headings flag

Transform Markdown headings by down-levelling (incrementing level) by 1.

Use this option if you prefer to write level 1 headings in your document: Macana inserts <h1> with document title so headings conflict with that without the markdown.downlevelHeadings option.

JSONCanvas options


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Enable parsing of JSONCanvas documents. You can disable this from CLI via --disable-jsoncanvas flag.