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A parsed note or canvas in a Vault. A document consists of document metadata and document content.

Document metadata

Properties describing a document or a document directory required for generating a website. Document metadata contains those properties:

  • Document name
  • Document title
  • Whether the document is the default document of Vault
  • Description (optional)
  • Language (optional)
  • Creation date-time (optional)
  • Update date-time (optional)

Document name

An identifier for a document, unique among a directory the document belongs to.

Document title

Human-readable text representing a title of the document. Although there is no restriction on available characters, you should avoid using control characters. (Unicode control characters - Wikipedia)

Document directory

A directory (folder) containing document metadata and document directories. A document directory consists of document metadata of its own and zero or more document metadata and/or document directory.

Document tree

Tree structured data contains document metadata and document directories.

Document content

A parsed content of note or canvas.

Document token

A string starts with mxt_ that is used for referencing a document.

There are places where Content Parser needs a reference to a document while parsing another document, but unable to hold an object reference for the document. In such case, Content Parser exchanges target document's file path for a document token. Then, Page Builder can exchange the document token for an actual document object reference later.

Asset token

A string starts with mxa_ that is used for referencing an asset.

Because of Macana's file I/O design and multi-phase build process, it's not preferable to pass a reference to an asset file around. To avoid keeping references for asset files, Content Parser exchanges target asset's file path for an asset token. Then, Page Builder can exchange the asset token for an actual asset file reference later.