
Development Guide

Created at
Updated at

This document describes guides for developers editing or testing Macana codebase.

Required tools

In order to run or test Macana application, you need the following tools:

  • Deno v1.41

Use of tools supporting reading of .tool-versions file is highly recommended.

This project aims to be compliant with license REUSE framework.

For files that can have code comments, place a copyright comment header at the topmost in the file. If a file cannot contain code comments (e.g. binary file, JSON file), use *.license file approach described in the copyright comment header section.

Exception to this rule is files under docs/ directory: copyright and license of those files are batch-described in the .reuse/dep5 file. See more about DEP5 file here.

Charsets, Line endings, Indents

This project has .editorconfig file. Use text editor or editor plugin that supports EditorConfig.

Filename convention

Files and directories under docs/ should have its title as a file/directory name, so it can be edited as a regular Obsidian Vault.

  • Good
    • docs/
    • docs/How to use/
  • Bad
    • docs/
    • docs/how-to-use/

Having files or directories whose names are same except casing are prohibited.

  • Bad
    • Having both docs/ and docs/

Other than that, use snake_case for file/directory names.

Development commands, scripts

Formatting code

Run this command on the repository root:

$ deno fmt

Running unit tests

The most straightforward way to run the tests is to run this command on the repository root:

$ deno test --allow-read=. --allow-write=./internal/filesystem_writer/.test
  • If you omit the --allow-read=. permission, tests performing actual file I/O will be skipped.
  • If you omit the --allow-write=./filesystem_writer/.test permission, tests performing actual file write will be skipped.


You can inspect (call-tree, memory, etc) using V8 Inspector Protocol via --inspect-brk flag. Read more about the flag here.

$ deno run --inspect-brk --allow-read=. --allow-write=docs/.dist cli.ts --config docs/.macana/config.jsonc

The above command prints Inspector URL to your terminal. Open the URL with a debugger client supporting V8 Inspector Protocol, and hit the record button.

You can replace --inspect-brk flag with --inspect-wait flag, if you don't want profiler.

However, as Macana is short-lived program, you can't use the simple --inspect flag. It's difficult to connect to the debugger during building this document, which is under 500ms even in GitHub Actions runner.