
User script

Deno script user wrote.



Box with this color indicates the box is a module.


Box with this color indicates the box is an executable.

FileSystem Reader

Responsible for listing, reading, and watching directory or file. This module can only operate inside a source directory.

Dev Server

Content Parser

Responsible for parsing a file and returning a document content and optional document metadata.

Tree Builder

Responsible for generating a document tree by accessing FileSystem reader. Tree Builder generates document metadata from filesystem information, such as filename directory name, and structure. If Content Parser returns document metadata in addition to the document content, Tree Builder override the own generated metadata with the returned metadata.


Act as an endpoint for the Macana API. Schedule and coordinates various modules.

User Agent

Mostly web browser.

Obsidian Vault

Page source data is stored as Markdown files in plain arbitrary directory.

FileSystem Writer

Responsible for creating and writing directory or file. This can only operate inside an output directory.

Generated site

HTML/CSS/JS files, along with RSS feed and other site metadata things.

Page Builder

Responsible for generating a HTML page from a document tree and a document.

HTTPBuild requestDocument treeGenerated filesFile / DirectoryFileFileDocument content, document metadata

Use arrow keys to move viewport, - key to zoom-out and + key to zoom-in.
