Unofficial Figma design viewer
Figspec is an unofficial Figma design viewer primarily developed for embedding usage.
Live demo
This is a working demo of
displaying a frame of
sample Figma design.
Install @figspec/components
package from NPM.
npm i @figspec/components
This package registers two custom elements:
. As the names describe, the
frame viewer displays a specific Figma Frame and the file viewer
displays an entire Figma file.
Once you installed the package, import the package entrypoint from your JavaScript file, which registers the two custom elements.
import "@figspec/components";
Now, you can use the custom elements in your HTML/DOM.
<figspec-frame-viewer nodes="..." rendered-image="..."></figspec-frame-viewer>
These APIs are available both in
<figspec-frame-viewer />
and in
<figspec-file-viewer />
Name | Data type | Default | Description |
string |
An URL for the Figma frame or containing file. | |
Default preferences | Preferences object. Figspec itself does not save/restore user preferences. A user of Figspec (page author) is responsible for preference persistence. |
Name | Description |
A corresponding attribute for the link property.
Name | Description |
Fired when a user selects or unselects a node.
[event].detail.node is a node object,
null for unselects.
Fired when a user changes preferences.
[event].detail.preferences is a preferences object.
CSS Custom Properties
Name | Acceptable value | Description |
List of font family |
Font family for sans serif text. |
List of font family |
Font family for monospace text. |
<length> |
Base font size. Default to 1rem . |
--figspec-spacing-base |
<length> |
Base spacing size. |
--figspec-spacing-scale |
Unit-less number | Size of spacing scales. |
<length> |
Spacing size values. |
<color> |
Background color for actions (e.g. button) on hover. |
<color> |
Border color for actions (e.g. button). |
<length> |
Left and right padding of actions (e.g. button). |
<length> |
Top and bottom padding of actions (e.g. button). |
<length> |
Border radius of actions (e.g. button). |
<color> |
Canvas color for Frame background and files without background color set. |
<color> |
Foreground color, mainly for text. |
<color> |
Background color. |
<color> |
Foreground color for non-primary elements, such as description text. |
<color> |
Foreground color for OK/success elements. |
<color> |
Foreground color for NG/error elements. |
Unit-less number |
Base z-index value for the element. Internal
elements creates UI stack on top of that.
--figspec-code-{bg, text, keyword, string, number, list,
comment, literal, function, unit}
<color> |
Syntax highlighting colors. |
<length> |
Stroke thickness of node guides. |
<color> |
Stroke color of node guides. |
<color> |
Stroke color for the outline of selected node. |
<color> |
Text color of the distance tooltip. |
<color> |
Text color of the dimension tooltip for a selected node. |
<color> |
Background color of the distance tooltip. |
<color> |
Background color of the dimension tooltip for a selected node. |
<length> |
Font size of tooltips. |
<color> |
Text color of snackbars. |
<color> |
Background color of snackbars. |
<length> |
Border radius of snackbars. |
<length> |
Font size of snackbars. |
Comma separated list of font families | Font family used in snackbars. |
Valid value for box-shadow |
Box shadow applies to a snackbar. |
Valid value for padding |
Margin applies to a snackbar. |
Valid value for padding |
Pading applies to a snackbar. |
Valid value for border shorthand |
Border applies to a snackbar. |
<figspec-frame-viewer />
Name | Data type | Default | Description |
GetFileNodesResponse | null
null |
Required. Response body of the "GET file nodes" API. |
string | null |
null |
Required. An URL for the frame image rendered by "GET image" API. |
<figspec-file-viewer />
Name | Data type | Default | Description |
GetFileResponse | null
null |
Required. Response body of the "GET file" API. |
{ [nodeId: string]: string } | null
Required. A record of rendered images, where key is an ID of the
node and value is an URI of the image.
images property in the response of
"GET image"