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Turtle UI

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Turtle UI for Web Components is CustomElements implementation of Turtle UI, which aims to make prototyping easier.

This is an example input field.



Install @turtleui/webcomponents via JavaScript package manager (e.g. npm, Yarn, pnpm).

$ npm i @turtleui/webcomponents
TypeScript definition This package provides first-party TypeScript definition files (*.d.ts). No need to install additional packages.

Registering components

You need to register each CustomElement before using. We provide a convenient way for that.

import { TurtleButton, registerTurtleUIComponents } from "@turtleui/webcomponents";

// Now you can use <turtle-button>

Also, you can import allComponents and register all Turtle UI Web Components. Please use it with caution as it would increase bundle size if you use only part of our components.

import { allComponents, registerTurtleUIComponents } from "@turtleui/webcomponents";

// allComponents is an array contains every CustomElement we provide.
// [TurtleButton, TurtleCard, TurtleCardAction, ...]

Using components

Use them just like native HTML elements, such as <p>. Please make sure to close the tag, even if there is no children node.

    <turtle-button variant="primary">Button</turtle-button>
Use components inside <turtle-design-system> In order to use design tokens, every <turtle-*> components MUST be descendants of <turtle-design-system>.

Browser support

This package supports browsers that implement Web Components v1 spec and basic ES2019 features. If you would like to support browsers not compatible with ES2019 syntax, please transpile this package along with your application code.

Light DOM

What is Light DOM? Light DOM is an informal word describing nodes/elements slotted to Custom Element that is Shadow DOM enabled. For more information, see explanation on

This package prioritize Light DOM approach: many interactive components require you to write native HTML elements as children. This approach brings several benefits to you:

  • component itself has smaller API surface = less learning cost
  • full platform capability, such as auto-focus, form relation, and accesibility features
  • framework/library friendly

Button-like elements

Every elements that its primary purpose is let a user click/tap/press the element, for example <turtle-button>, implements lightdom attribute (and correspond lightDOM property). When the attribute is present, the element assumes that a user places a <button> or an <a> element to its light DOM. This is useful when you want to show a submit button or a link in the component's appearance.

When using lightdom mode, please provide disabled or aria-disabled attribute to the slotted element instead of the containing turtle-* element. Button-like components change styles and add custom event handler based on the attributes.


Form items

Every form items, which maintains states and lets a user change its states, requires you to put a certain type of HTML elements to its light DOM. Unlike button-like elements, this is required and you cannot opt-out this behaviour.

These components synchronize states such as disabled or invalid when the attributes changed or change and input event happened. By default, the components check (Slotted Element).validity.valid property to determine whether the slotted element is valid or not. If you want to explicitly set/override validity, use aria-invalid attribute.

This demo sets touched attribute so the component goes to error state without touching it.


You can tweak styles by providing CSS custom properties to design system.

Responsive font size

Sine we respect browser font size set by a user, our components heavily use --turtle-ui--unit CSS custom property. Every size/length that scales based on browser font size setting uses the property and assumes the value of the property would be 10px with default browser font size setting. If you're using the html { font-size: 62.5%; } technique, set --turtle-ui--unit: 1rem; to the <turtle-design-system>.

turtle-design-system {
  --turtle-ui--unit: 1rem; /* where 1rem = 10px */

Otherwise, set a rem value that equals to 10px.

turtle-design-system {
  --turtle-ui--unit: 0.625rem; /* when root font-size is 16px (default value in many environment), this would equal to 10px */

If you want to disable the responsive font size feature for some reason, specify 10px directly.

turtle-design-system {
  --turtle-ui--unit: 10px;

Font family

Turtle UI uses Ubuntu Font for each design. Please include the font in your page and make it available via font-family: "Ubuntu";. The easiest way to include the family is to use @fontsource/ubuntu package when you're using a bundler, or to import via Google Font when not.

If you want to use different font family with Turtle UI or register the Ubuntu Font in different name, specify the font-family for <turtle-design-system>.

turtle-design-system {
  font-family: "Your preferred font family", sans-serif;

Changing color theme

We define tones and levels as CSS custom properties and mix them to create the final colors. A tone here is a combination of hue and saturation, while level is the level in HSL itself. Thanks to this architecture, you can tweak the whole color theme by just changing some tones.

turtle-design-system {
  /* default values */
  --turtle-ui--color--tone--mono: 0, 0%;
  --turtle-ui--color--tone--safe: 123, 46%;
  --turtle-ui--color--tone--warning: 43, 96%;
  --turtle-ui--color--tone--danger: 14, 100%;
  --turtle-ui--color--tone--primary: 204, 100%;
Button Button



sample avatar image


Top Right Bottom Left


Primary Danger Normal
Light DOM (<a>)
With Icon Icon Only


Primary Danger Normal Long Long Button Button Btn


Biscuits Alert A pile of biscuits By using this website, you agree to our use of biscuits. We use biscuits as a pizza topping. OK


See more details at <turtle-card>. Dismiss Jump



Command Palette Demo

turtle-command-palette does not filter commands (options) based on input text. You need to implement filtering logic in your application.

Keyboard controls

Press Arrow Up and Arrow Down to navigate, Enter to select, Esc to cancel.

Not found text.




Button Button


Drop a file or something.


Select images No image selected. Select file Not selected.


Description text.



Foo Bar Baz


Foo Bar Baz


The dog wants your taco. Feed Ignore


Please reload the page to update to the latest version. Dismiss


Label TypeScript COMPLETE





An item added to your library. View Dismiss


One of worker instance terminated unexpectedly. Reboot Detail




Icons are available as CustomElements. Click each icon to show details.



function registerTurtleUIComponents(components: ComponentRegistration[]): void

type ComponentRegistration =
  | (CustomElementConstructor & { defaultTagName: string })
  | [string, CustomElementConstructor]

Registers given Turtle UI Web Components. In fact, this function just checks whether each CustomElement is already registered and registers it if not.

If you want to use custom tag name instead of the default one (<turtle-*>), specify a tuple of [tagName, CustomElementConstructor].

import { registerTurtleUIComponents, TurtleButton, TurtleCard } from "@turtleui/webcomponents";

  ["rabbit-card", TurtleCard],

// You can now use <turtle-button> and <rabbit-card>


An array of every exported components, including icons.

import { allComponents, registerTurtleUIComponents  from "turtleui/webcomponents";



An array of every exported icon components.

import { icons, registerTurtleUIComponents  from "turtleui/webcomponents";
